Map your cross-country ski in UK - route630475: Nordic Walk Route for designed for an Active Workplaces Project Royal Hoskoning

During the past six weeks, Wednesday lunchtimes,Sue Burnett, British Nordic Walk, Instructor (INWA) has been teaching levels 0-6 Nordic Walking techniques, for Royal Hoskoning and is confident the ladies will be able to Nordic Walk this route at next week's session with confidence, improve and vary it over the next 6 weeks of their Active Workplaces program. It's a delight and great pleasure for Sue to meet the ladies who like to Nordic Walk at lunch, we haven't quite convinced the guys yet there seems to be stigma and resistance for guys to get out Nordic Walking. The lure of volleyball, the gym and running serve too great a distraction for some...
Let's hear it from the boys!
After Mark learnt how to Nordic Walk (aka Nordic ski-walk) at a previous Active Workplaces program, he was very keen to continue his Nordic Walking journey to better health, fitness and eventually sports. He's been attending Active Edge Solutions improver group every week since the end of his Active Workplaces program earlier this year. Mark said " it's given me a new purpose to my fitness becuase of a previous injury I can no longer run, this is perfect and really fills by fitness gap"
The Active Edge Solutions, Thursday and Friday improver groups are attracting the guys and some weeks the guys out number the girls. Once you get into it you will improve your fitness, increase your intensity and work out effectively and soon you will realise it's not a lightweight workout! So boys what are you waiting for? Christmas? When the snow is on the ground? Time to throw off your shackles and rise to the Nordic Walking challenge.
Here's why?
When Sue's been out and about with her Nordic Walking poles she's often asked by GUYS about what she is doing. She simply replies " Nordic Walking " and they become interested because she explains "it's like Cross-Country Skiing and it's only a matter of time before the guys start to take it a bit more seriously and learn how to Nordic Walk for sports.
After all Cross-country skiing - aka Biathlon, is a fantastic work out of the highest calibre. Biathletes and cross-country skiers are renowned for high levels of total body fitness of mind and body. It's great for those looking to achieve the same intensity as running and without the high levels of impact on the joints and bones. "
"It's also ideal for those, who need to loose weight for health benefits, to increase aerobic capacity, increase calorie expenditure, reduce stress on joints, improve motivation to increase physical activity, have orthopedic problems, athletes recovering from injury and atheletes seeking to cross-train to improve their chosen mainstream activity. There is really something in learning Nordic (SKI) walking for everyone! "