Successfully mapped GPS route kindly donated by a regular Nordic Walker.
Recently I came across some really useful tools and in the absense of my own personal GPS gadet which let's face it are quite an expense and probably one most of us cannot afford or justify the expenditure on such a technical gadget.
Have you ever noticed that many people afford them despite the poverty they plead. Not me, when things improve it would be a useful investment, a great motivational tool and enable me to better do what I do.
So, let's look at how some FREE devices that can help you in the meantime to log your route, keep records of your workout and keep motivated towards your success.
Here are three great tools for success in mapping your routes, each one will help you to map your route easily and effecively whether you cycle, run, walk or cross-country ski ( aka NORDIC WALK) -
Useful tool number one: Mapmyrun
Useful tool number two: Mapmywalk
Useful tool numher three: Mapometer.com
All useful tools to help you with your success and I'm certain there are many others out there, these have been recommended by regular clients and associates for ease of use. I encourage you to try them out for yourself let me know how you get on and perhaps give me some feed back on these and other tools you might use. Take care, have fun and keep actively doing what you do!
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