Monday was an admin day, catching up with lots of chores and then week get underway for some lovely health and fitness Nordic Walking and fitness activities. Tuesday was great for the last Active Workplaces fitness session for the Peterborough and Stamford Hospital groups. There were 5 who wore smiley hearts, green, pink, red, blue, purple and orange. This was to celebrate and know they were doing something good for their heart, their mind and their body. We celebrated our new found fitness activity with a Nordic Walk down to the meadows...it was brilliant...We HEART NORDIC Walking...
Wednesday was wonderful for the U3A gang of 11 Monika, Bruce, Gerri, Elaine, Michael, Gwen, John, Len, Connie, Colin & Len who were enthused and delighted with their Nordic Walk on the meadows, a NORDIC Walk that exceeded their expectations. We warmed up the muscles and set off, Nordic Walked along a track, a grassy meadow and a lovely trail. The group spread out along the trail, some walking a little faster than others.

Thursday Improvers also made their way to the meadows, Mark, Lynda, Janet and Andrew, were trail blazing along the track. We found a nice grassy bank to develop our hill techniques and improve pole action took place to help improvers develop fitness level walking and increase the upper body workout. After the technical work, Andrew really took off his Nordic Walking stance improved and he really found the power in his poles...Mark bought a set of poles last week and his technique is really coming along a treat. Next week he will be Nordic Walking in RHODES with his traveller poles...Our route had a country feel in the midst of URBANIZATION, we found a thatched cottage post office, through a BLUEBELL WOOD, funghi, an owl's hoot and two GREEN WOODPECKERS sitting on the path. So close to civilisation, it was such a wonderful walk. The last stretch was a big NORDIC Walking Strides along the lakeside, where the boys got beads of perspiration on the foreheads, yes we were into FAT BURNING zone. Our walk was 3.75 miles of unadulterated Nordic Walking. Join us next time you might be surprised.
Friday Was a monster day for Nordic Walk, our adventure started at 10:00am at Bretton Park, the Highlees Spinney. Then at 1.30 pm, down to the meadows for the second nordic walk of the day and the second nordic walk of the week for the U3A. WOW! it is suprising at how Nordic Walking is transforming the health and fitness for so many.

U3A member, Shirley, was sharing with me how well she had improved her walking speeds this was unheard of for her for such a long time. With nordic walking, for her, faster speeds were possible and confidence in her own abilities improving Nordic Walk by Nordic Walk!

Final Nordic Walk of the day and the week was back to the meadows at 18:30 pm and three lovely ladies were new to Nordic Walking as we began the session a VIRGIN hot air balloon was rising gently off the meadow. What a sight to behold, what a week, what a NORDIC walk...next week more Nordic Walking adventures in store!
Great pictures and the scenery are great.Good luck to your next adventure.