Friday, 21 August 2009
Can you afford to remove the freedom to choose...
Hi guys, I don't like spam but this message is important. Basically, a company called Codex Alimentarius are trying to make a 'nanny state' out of us and put all nutritional suppliments, vitamins, etc on 'prescription only', thus taking our ability to decide for ourselves over our own health, completely out of our own hands. Please check out the following website: . More info from the petition creator: The principle of self medication with herbal/vitamin/mineral food supplements would be restricted to 'prescription only' status, if the Codex Alimentarius is applied in this country. Since the NHS priorities are ill health diagnosis and treatment, the good health preservation that supplements provide will be inaccessible to the majority of our population and the cost to the NHS will increase, and the health of the population will decline. Best regards, Janet PS: For more info, you can also check the link below:
MTB Sports Massage Event Work, Hinchingbrooke Park,23 August 2009
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Active Edge Solutions @ Grimsthorpe 10k, 31st August, 2009
Monday, 17 August 2009
Active Edge Owner Gets Active in Orange...

Saturday, 15 August 2009
Thorney 5, Pre Race/Post Race Massage...

Getting ready to attend the Thorney 5, Sunday 16th August. Good news for Thorney the Race is full.
It was too late for Active Edge Solutions, Sue Burnett to enter the event this year. However, Sue Burnett from Active Edge Solutions will be attending this prestigious event to provide high quality pre and post race massage to help runners prepare for their race and help aid runners race recovery.
Pre-Race: Sports massage can help runners to enhance their warm up. It helps to warm up muscles, tendons and ligaments through invigorating techniques. One cyclist in a recent local race found his legs felt light and responsive as a result. He was pleasantly surprised at how effect a pre-race massage was before his event. Ideal prior to starting an event, pre-race massage helps prepare the runner, athlete or sports person for maximal performance. Typically 10-15 minutes in duration.
Post-Race: After cooling down, post event sports massage can help relax tight muscles, relieve cramp, and increase recover rate. An added benefit is reduced muscle soreness. Typically 10-15 minutes in duration.
Sports Conditioning Massage: Regularly used during training will help runners, cyclists and all active people alike with better sports conditioning. It can help you to improve your flexibility deal with your muscular problems before it impairs your performance. Ideal for all active people training for a marathon, half marathon, local area run, other endurance events or demanding sports. Why don't you consider including regular sessions of sports massage to help you prepare for the big event, helping you to calm pre-event nerves and energise you ready for action. You can visit me tomorrow at the Thorney 5 or contact me soon at the clinic, drop me a line, a text or call. Book yours today, it may help you gain your race or event success.
Take care good luck with the race tomorrow and look forward to seeing you at the race, a local event or in the clinic real soon.
Friday, 14 August 2009
DIY Stretching to help reduce Injury, decrease stress and improve sports performance...
One client asked me this week how he would be able to improve his stretching routine for the demanding sport of boxing and to find out how he could become more flexible in a cost effective way. Whether you run, cycle, take part in fitness or other active sports or general activities it is important to ensure you stretch well and preferably after you have warmed up.
Stretching has many benefits, improving your relaxation, reducing your risks to injury, improving your rate of recovery and helping you to enhance your performance. It is of course up to you how little or much you do. Most people will benefit greatly with the introduction of stretching into their daily life.
Depending on how flexible you are or how flexible you want to become for fitness, sports or health here are some DIY suggestions. Each one has has a different focus and it will enable you to improve the way that you stretch, so you improve what you do. You can develop a stretching routine yourself and in your own time, discover which one works best for you.
Solstic Energy - Welcome to Solstic
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Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity, to learn more about this fantastic product, and live your life to the full. Places are selling out fast, if you cannot go you can click on this link to order your free sample of this fantastic natural instant energy product. Click the link to book your place now.
Solstic is a delicious and Healthy Energy Drink. Only 6 calories - contains no fat, only 1.8g of carbs. Excellent range of B vitamins. Instant natural energy on the go, to help you lead the life you wish to live.
Join the Solstic Club!
Get healthy and get paid! At Solstic energy club, we believe in healthy fit bodies and a healthy income. You can enjoy the delicious and nutritious virtues of this amazing energy drink and reap the rewards from your very own successful Solstic Energy club business.
It pays to be first...
This is a ground floor program with a 36 year old company. Groundfloor programs with the peace of mind that you have with a market leading, secure, stable, debt free company behind you rarely come along. You won't get better than that and remember the earlier you start your Solstic business the more rewarding it will become.
No prior experience required...
You do not need any business or product knowledge to start your Solstic business. All the training you need is provided by Solstic Energy and your support team. Training takes place in different parts of the country and your support team offer individual assistance and guidance to ensure you get the training and guidance you need. In addition, the Solstic Energy Health Science department will assist with technical product queries.
Solstic are looking for distributers now, work the hours that you want from home. Build a residual income. To find out how you can become a distributor for this fantastic product please get in touch...
Tuesday, 11 August 2009

The change4life campaign is designed to help us all especially our kids, eat better, move more and live longer.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Sports Talk
Preventing the Spread of Swine Flu...
Your continued actions in prevention of swineflu spreading is considered to better than a cure!
Preventing the spread of Swine Flu in UK Source Nature Sunshine
Issue Date: 24th July 2009
With the number of new cases of swine flu in the past week reaching an estimated 100,000 (Ref: BBC News) we have all become acutely aware of the importance of hygiene. TV advertising reminds us constantly that we all have a part to play in helping to control the spread of this flu pandemic.
Regular cleaning and hand cleansing with Silver Shield Gel and Liquid (with Aqua Sol Technology) is an effective way of preventing the transfer of unwanted invaders, and has become a popular alternative to other products on the market.Scientific research is demonstrating that this form of silver has remarkable effects on a wide range of surface organisms:
• Potent cleanser and disinfectant.
• Proprietary technology is highly concentrated but non-toxic.
• Can be used topically and to purify water.
• Is completely non-toxic; no heavy metal contamination.
• Acts as an EPA-approved surface disinfectant.
• Available as a Gel, and Liquid formulation
In addition, Silver Shield Gel is the most potent silver product currently manufactured. It is completely non-toxic, safe and effective without the risk of heavy metal contamination.
How it Works
Silver Shield disables the specific enzyme that many unwanted microorganisms need to metabolize oxygen (breathe). When this enzyme becomes disabled, the microorganisms cannot thrive. Silver Shield with Aqua Sol Technology has been effective against unwanted micro-organisms when tested in vitro.Silver Shield Gel is manufactured with a patented process called Aqua Sol Technology and uses only the finest particle size colloids to ensure maximum efficiency, providing 24ppm of silver in a clear moisturising gel. Nature's Sunshine uses the very latest technology and cutting edge methods that provide you with only the very best quality silver products. Made with food-grade ingredients Silver Shield Gel contains no alcohol, and is safe for children.
Remember the Government Guidelines for preventing the spread of Swine Flu:
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, using a tissue and
• Throw the tissue away quickly and carefully
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
• Clean hard surfaces (like door handles and remote controls) frequently
Silver Shield Gel is ideal to carry in your pocket or handbag. It can be used frequently to protect your hands when hot water and soap are not available. Because Silver Shield Gel is so safe it can also be applied around the nose and mouth, or anywhere else on the body, and is completely safe to use on children, the frail and the elderly.
Prevention Flu video
Watch the TV advert
For more information on Silver Shield products contact our helpline on 01733 766 990 or email To order call the Order Hotline on 01733 766 990 (from UK)
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Not All Supplements are Equal...
All nutrition whether it is for sports, fitness or health starts with eating a balanced nutritious diet and good hydration. There are, however, times when even seemingly nutritious food does not supply you with what the vital nutrients that you need in life because your body is under constant attack from free radical damage by increasing envrionmental pollution, chemical fertilizers, carbon dioxide and other nitrous volatile gasses that are spewed into the atmosphere.
Scientific research shows how micro and trace elements are lacking in our supermarket foods today. This depleted nutritional aspect of our food supply affects people at all levels whether for health, fitness or performance. One of the main contributions to inflammation and diseases such as muscular disorders, respiratory disorders, osteoporosis or arthritis is probably due to free radical damage caused by environmental pollution or nutritional deficiences.
The Rio earth summit in 1992 highlighted the fact that a large proportion as much as 7/10ths, I believe, of our soil is now infertile thanks to environmental pollution and soil degradation. Foods grown in infertile soils, transportation and chemical polution all further depelete the world's nutritional value of food. http://http//
You will here it in the news, you will read it on the internet, and you will see supermarket shelves stocked with nutritional supplements. Eg. calcium, magnesium, codliver oil, Omega 3 EPA. Foos and Sports supplementation is a multi-million dollar business for many companies, but not all supplements are equal.
When it comes to the food supplements you buy it is hard to determine which one's are right and which one is right for you. There are many companies that use brain washing techniques to get you to buy their products. According to many people that I know in sports today the nutritional value of these products may be questionable and do not necessarily improve your performance . It is clever marketing that makes people buy their products. You can call it brain washing if you choose. Are they in it for their own gain ? A simple isotonic drink can be made for a fraction of the cost and very easy to make, but many people choose to buy sugary istonic drinks in red, yellow or blue which serve to spike blood sugars rather replace the vital salts depleted during physical activity.
For your peace of mind when buying supplements you may wish to consider checking whether you get a quality assurance, a money back guarantee , or whether it is wild crafted, organically produced and tested to pharmaceutical standards. You deserve the best supplements that money can buy to enable you to live the best life you can live. This will ensure you are living the best life you can live, for you health, longevity and performance.
Naturally beautiful, from the inside...
Naturally beautiful, fragile, delicate,amazing.
This morning sorting out the laundry it was delightful to discover two beautiful butterfiles asleep on the towels that were brought in late last night while it was still dark.
Tightly closed darkened wings on the underneath. It was hard to spot their natural beauty as they tiny bodies, legs and wings quivered on the dark surface of the freshly laundered towels. A fresh vibrant natural beauty for the eye of the holder which was revealed suddenly when they silently spread their fragile soft wings to return to where nature had intended.
Natural beauty is more than is held in the eye of the beholder and goes much deeper than the surface layers of the skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body and it will benefit greatly from better nutrition. Natria collection of skin care products provides your skin with a complete skin nutrition, fortified with complexes to target problem areas. This range of complex ingredients get to work from the deep layers where new skin cells are formed, providing targeted nutrition, protection and growth where it is needed the most.