Great news! Naturopathic Nutritionist Saira Salmon, will be an honoured guest speaker at this months Regional Nature Sunshine meeting.
The Peterborough Regional Nature Sunshine meeting will be held Tuesday night, 7th September, at the Haycock Hotel, London Road, Wansford, Peterborough, PE8 6JA .
At this Regional meeting Saira will talk about all the various facts that she has researched on why people need to detox and she will talk about our detox including some of the supporting products like, liquid chlorophyl to promote natural cleansing functions, bifidophfilus milk to replace your good bacteria, Milk Thistle to help detox and rejuvenate your liver.
The meeting will start with an overview of Nature’s Sunshine for new guests and after Saira’s presentation there will be a look at the business opportunity with Nature’s Sunshine, some tips to building a successful business and tips on promoting the healthy herbal detox. Registration is from 7pm and the meeting starts at 7.30pm promptly. Kim Briggs, Clinton Sellers and Teri Rigby look forward to seeing you there. You are warmly invited to attend this meeting as guest by Sue Burnett, Personal Trainer, Active Edge Solutions. No time to attend the evening try our free Habit of Health questionnaire and find out how healthy you are.
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