Thursday 21 April 2011

10 Top Tips on Eating Smarter for Weightloss

People often ask me about weight loss and rather than re-invent the wheel that works quite well I have had a look at some useful recommendations which should help you towards your weightloss goal.

Usually the answer is to eat a healthy balanced diet, and eating smarter to make healthy chemical changes that maintain a healthy digestive system and intestinal tract necessary for good weight management and eventual weight loss. On the whole, people ofter underestimate what the eat and invariably have an imbalance in the proportions of each food group compared to what the body needs to generate enough energy for what they want to do.

The other problem in the equation is that when there is insufficent activity at the right intensity this can affect the weighmanagement balance too. The message today is about eating smarter . We will look at activity another day.

Tip 1) Start by recording a food diary. Record what you eat, what you drink and how you feel, for min 3 days maximum of 7 days. To obtain your FREE Food diary templates, please Click Here

Tip 2) Take a look at the diary recording and see how it compares to the Food Triangle this is one model in which we can use to help up have some idea on proportions of each food group and if you are smaller to go for the low number and if you are larger or more athletic to go for the larger number for example 5-7 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables per day. How close are you to each group? How far are you away from each group? Where are the differences?

Tip 3) Once we have the portions and groups sorted out we can then start to look at changing proportion of what you are eating in each group. This might seem simplistic but broadly speaking if you are eating 7-11 portions of crips, sweets and nuts and 0 portions of fresh fruit and veg you know it is an easy change to make.

Tip 4) Let's look at how you eat your food, do you eat fast or slow? By slowing down and chewing your food more you will feel less hungry and much more satisfied.

Tip 5) Drink more water at least half an hour before you eat this will also help you to feel fuller.

Tip 6) Make an oil change swap the bad fats for the good fats, your body will feel sluggish with bad oil, and with the good oil you will feel more energises and it will increase the bodies metabolism.  eg, increase your omega 3 intake step for better results take 3 x 3 per day.

Tip 7) Start your day and meals with a simple protein shake, it will help balance your blood sugar and make you feel satisfied. Great for lean healthy muscle tone, more healthy muscle tone will help to burn excess body fat.

Tip 8) Try a healthy starter pack herbal detox to clean out your intestinal tract and colon. It will make your tummy feel flatter and you may loose a few pounds as a result.  it will clarify your focus and enable you to better stick to your weightloss goals.

Tip 9) Do you eat a lot of carbs or fats, that night out with the girls or the boys. Pizza or Curry, takeouts. Keep some fat grabbers and carb grabbers handy to help you eliminate those fats and bad carbs from your body quickly.

Tip 10) Are you constantly constipated or are you regular? Add more fibre to your diet, to help elminate wastes and toxic build up in your body.  Two or my favourites easy ways to easily increase your fibre intake without bulk are TNT or Loclo .  You can use the TNT as a safe meal replacement from time to time.

Finally, if you are looking for more details to help you improve your nutrition I would strongly recommend the low GI Diet to help change the way you eat. You never know you could end up making friends with fruit.

You may wish to have one to one coaching, on your nutrition if this is the case please contact me to register your interest.

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