Monday - First Nordic Walk of the week and introduction to Nordic Walking for Peterborough Women's centre. A nice gentle introduction to Nordic Walking. For some reason it was promoted on the website as a cardio workout, which it is but perhaps not quite in the style of an Aerobic workout. The way that Nordic Walking differs to this type of workout is that it is lower in impact and big in results you get the cardiovascular system working effectively but it doesn't feel like hard work and you are not dripping buckets at the end.
Tuesday - Took us to the Peterborough and Stamford District Hospital on Thorpe Road for the Active Work Places program for Nordic and Fitness Walking, week 8 of their 12 week program. Our route took us along Thorpe Road, down to the rowing lake, we saw rabbits galore as we praticed throwing our poles to improve our techniques. Next week the vote was to start the walk at the meadows. Ladies and gents do join us again next week for another fun Nordic and Fitness walk.
Wednesday - Our second Living Sport - Active Work Places fitness session this week took us to Bretton, this time Royal Hoskoning our aim at week 8 was to complete a continuous loop of Bretton Park without stopping. We Nordic Walked we talked and took a totally terrific trip to complete the circuit of Bretton park. The invitation was extended to the YMCA to join in for a Fitness walk. Check out FUN FITNESS FRIDAY for the YMCA

The day progresses to another Nordic Walk at the meadows this time with the U3A, with the passing of the poles and a new route perhaps a slightly extended route the small U3A posse of Nordic Walkers were enjoying their new found Nordic Walking skills. Lots of fun was had by all
Thursday - Nordic Walk Improvers at Werrington, was yet again another totally terrific adventure, we took an intrepid trip, through Cuckoo's hollow and along a grassy banked dyke for a 3.74 mile Nordic walk. Thrush, blackberries and a heron were some of the delights we saw on our intrepid tour. Janet was amazed to know of this new route and totally surprise at my knowledge of the local countryside, she never ceased to be amazed by Nordic Walking and our intrepid adventures. Next week we are going for it - 4 mile challenge here we come!

Friday - - Nordic improvers at Bretton Park. Our Nordic walk was a great circuit that took us on a reverse trip through the park to the east, heading along the network of cycle paths that link up our city in abundance. We took a brisk Nordic Walk along the route, through a treelined section, under a pass to complete our loop back to the park. According to Linda we took over 6000 steps during our walk. Linda who was our pedometer monitor and took it all in a her stride! Our fitness was also measured in terms of how far we could now go before energy levels started to feel a little low, the general concensus was much further and everyone was happy and finished on a high note. A BIG WELL DONE everyone!

Saturday - Private Nordic Walking introduction for a young lady who was looking to do something new, and came across Nordic Walking just by chance. The day started at 08:30 am, a nice breeze off the water by the lakeside, some sunshine warmed our skin and the opportunity to show my new T-SHIRT - With this session under her belt she will join our Learn to Nordic Walk group on Friday to continue her Nordic Walking Journey - This was topped by a Nordic Walk to have a picnic in the meadows by the sailing lake. A nice mixture turned up, a couple from the U3A complete with off-spring, children, grand-children and cousins - Phillipa, Margaret, Roy, Conny, Colin started our Nordic/Fitness walk, as we set of the rains came down and we had to cut our walk short so we didn't get too wet. A good time was had by all, next time it will be fine. Join us soon to start your Nordic Walking Journey. Contact: Active Edge Solutions to find out where you begin.
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