January, saw the launch of Active Edge Solutions Learn to Nordic Walk in Werrington centre in Peterborough. The first class was held at Werrington Sports Centre on the 21st of January. This launch has has caught those keen to try the activity and over the weeks more and more people have been attending the class to find out more about Nordic Walking and find out why it is a better alternative to the conventional gyms, normal walking and high impact sports like running.
This fantastic group of Novice Nordic Walkers have been simply amazing turning up on nights when the weather has been cold, dark and damp. You may ask what Nordic walking has meant to them, it has been a lot of fun, they have met new people and made new friends. It is a place where you can go and walk with company even during the dark nights.

Now the nights are starting to draw out, there is nothing that these walkers will not be able to face. There is much to look forward to, improving technique, getting fitter, preparing for a challenge. One of the students suggested we train for the Breast Cancer Race for Life, how amazing will that be. Nordic Walking can help those recovering from cancer to improve muscle tone in the shoulder and improve well being. It will be great to get out in the daylight and have more fun outdoors, where we can connect with nature, enjoy woodlands and wildlife.
On the 27th of February, the Active Edge Solutions connected with the Greeniversity and Woodfield park to deliver the first Nordic Taster session. It was well attended and the universe provide a dry day which helped to make this event a success the students with an enjoyable class, and to see Woodfield park and wildlife in the daylight hours. The class was full to bursting, with greeniversity students eager to try their new green skills.

All classes are fun, fabulous and friendly and at a pace that suits you. You will get fitter, healthier, meet new people and have a great time. Why wait? Be Nordic Walking Today! Be more active, Be fitter for health or fitness, Be Nordic Walking now!
Nordic Walking classes are currently available at Werrington, Learn to Nordic Walk, Thursday evening 6 pm - 7 pm, Improvers Nordic Walking, 7 pm - 8 pm. Other options weekend, weekday, morning or evening available on request, contact your British Nordic Walking INWA instructor to find out more call: Sue Burnett, 01733 766 990/ 07901 937 665

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