Thursday 17 November 2011

Cancer Prevention Solutions | Nature's Sunshine

According to G.R. Howe, journal of the National Cancer Institue if the fibre poor populations were to "Increase fibre by 13g daily" risks of colon cancer could be reduce by up to 31%.

Generally, western diets are fibre poor. Research shows that diets low in fibre directly correlates to conditions that affect health such as obesity, diabetes, mellitus, coronary heart disease, colon disease (inc. colon cancer) and a variety of other health issues.

Fibre plays a vital role in controlling cholestrol and blood sugar levels. It provides dietary bulk for constipation prevention and diarrhoea relief. It also absorbs toxins and undigested fats in the bowel through elimination.

Supplement Your Diet with additional Fibre for protection

Many foods today are stripped of fibre before they reach our table they are no longer as nutrient, mineral or fibre rich as they were. This is largely due to intensive modern farming, daily exposure to a cocktail of waste and toxic gases in the air that we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. It is not suprising there is so much disease in our society today and it is becoming increasingly important to supplement our diet

If you're not getting enough fibre from your diet, supplementation offers a good way of topping up your daily levels. TNT contains a balance of 18 different sources of water soluble and fat soluble fibre, 18 vitamins and 11 minerals vital for good health, and powerful antioxidents to help provide protection from free radical damage . It's no wonder the TNT supplement has become a top selling product for Nature's Sunshine. To find out more about
TNT watch this video:
TNT Fibre from NSP Academy on Vimeo.

This product contains Vitamin A. Do not take if you are pregnant or likely to become pregnant except on the advice of a doctor or ante-natal clinic. Allergy information: contains buttermilk.

TNT- Fibre & Energy!

Buy Three Get A Fourth One Free. 
To take advantage of this special offer, click here!

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