Sunday 10 July 2011

Ten Essential Tips whilst detoxing...

Taking a healthy starter detox as part of your Personal Training Programme is an essential step to take. You will feel more postive, motivated and more likely to stick to it by removing extra waste and toxins from the body. 

1. Drink up to 2 litres of water ( at room temerature) or herbal teas/drinks.
2. Dry brush skin for ridding the skin of accumulated toxins.
3. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables of your choice.
4. Support your liver with fresh lemon and milk thistle.
5. Keep your body warm.
6. Rest as often as you need.
7. Eat foods in their most natural state.
8. Avoid foods that create congestion in the intestine and colon.
9. Use supplements such as spirulina, organic flaxseed to support the detox process.
10.Add more fibre, e.g. whole grain rice, wholewheat pasta, porridge and TNT ( fibre supplement contains 18 sources of fat and water soluable fibre)

To find our more about a healthy starter detox or supplementation for detox. Please get in touch.

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