Nordic Walking is rapidly becoming a great way of getting healthier and keeping fitter for those who wish to get healthier and fitter on a shoestring of time.
The Werrington based group, began their Nordic Walking adventures back in January when the nights were dark and the weather was snowy, damp and cold. Undeterred by the cold, freezing depths of winter the walkers have continued to keep up their new found skills, improved health and fitness and urge more city people to join in.
In January one walker joined the group and she said she had been waiting for two years for Nordic Walking to be available in Peterborough, “It is like a breath of fresh air for my mind” said health professional Janet Martyr.
Another Nordic Walker, Paul Frost said recently “ I’ve discovered new ground I didn’t know existed” and he has lived locally for over 25 years.
You will make NEW friends, have more FUN and get FITTER and HEALTHIER while learning about a wonderfully GREEN activity and put a spring back into your step with Nordic Walking for health or fitness.
The Green Festival starts on the 29th of May. In the run up to the festival, Active Edge Solutions is proud to offer taster sessions for the Greeniversity (www.greeniversity.org.uk ) students during May.
To find out more and start your Nordic Walking journey to better health and fitness contact, your INWA qualified Nordic Walk instructor, Sue Burnett:
M: 07901 937 665 W: www.activeedgesolutions.co.uk
I started my summer workout plan today. Whats that you say? I dont even really know but it sounded good. I had a *moment* last night and decided instead of complaining about it...I set my alarm got up at 7am before the kids got up and DH had to leave for work and went Running. Okay I lied. I got up around 7:20am....more like PEELED my eyeballs open and hit the ground running. But I had to be home at 8 (from now on 8:15) so Mr. could get ready for work if the girls were up.I chose a simple path around my neighborhood.... I downloaded this program called endomondo on my droid to track where i was, how far I went and how fast....it uploads to a website to track my results automatically. Awesome right?and I FINALLY have a REAL use for my iPod to tune the world out....But im wondering what the heck do I put this stuff in when running? I know they sell iPod arm bands--on it, but what about my phone and water?!??! Just carry it? (im new to this idea)Runners-- do you feel secure in running? do you bring your phone? I have too, in order to use that program.Running around the neighborhood was great. I got to see a few garage sales I normally would have missed and check out what streets are good and not so good. But once I hit the corner of Sunrise and N.Fed --I could smell the ocean so that's where I'm headed tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteHi F.Lex, thank you for your questions. Personally, I like to listen to the sounds of nature when I am running and I often run with friends. Some freinds carry iphones in an armband, a fanny pack or a bumbag along with their water and other runners carry a hand held water bottle. I suggest you look at some of these items, try them on and find out what is best for you in terms of your own personal comfort. Keep on running, Sue
ReplyDeleteOver the last several months, I have watched with awe and immense appreciation as the most incredible community group of supporters of public safety have come together to help the Chico Police and Fire departments overcome the challenge and realize a dream. As chance would have it, Captain MacPhail and I spoke to some key community partners in the grass roots Chico Police Department Business Support Team, and there was immediate excitement about joining with us to bring the idea of a Chico Public Safety Fitness and Training Center to fruition.Led by Rory Rotthchalk of Culp and Tanner, a dream team that included Culp and Tanner’s Scott McFarren as Project Coordinator, architect Gary Hawkins, contractor Howard Slater, Project Superintendent Jim Barham of Slater and Son Construction, Chico High ROP instructor Mike Brugmann and students Wendy Solis and Jacob Winslow, Don Fowler of McClelland Air Conditioning and the Chico Sunrise Rotary Club, in addition to the Chico Police Department Business Support Team and many more, has assembled and developed and committed to a plan that will make the dream a reality. While much has been, and will continue to be, accomplished with donated time and materials, there will be some hard costs associated with building the Training Facility. It is out of the need to cover the hard costs of the project that the idea was born for the Guns and Hoses Gala.