Wednesday 16 September 2009

Solstic Energy Launch

On Sunday the 13th of September Solstic Energy was launched in the UK, it's time to live your life - Shake it Up! What kind of shake is your life in, do you start the day with a cup or two of coffee, tea, cola or 'fizzy' drinks or other "energy " drink that takes you to the dizzing caffeine heights for a quick sugar-fuelled rush followed by an abrubt, vitality-sapping crash. The nutrient-rich recipe of Solstic Energy increases energy levels without the unwanted jitters,shakes and crashes of the other energy drinks because the power packed ingredients support the body's natural energy-producing systems. You'll have the energy that you need immediately and throughout the day. It is time to shake up your life with a protable energy for today's active lifestyles...

- Only 12 Calories
- Contains No Fat
- Low Glycemic Index
- 3g Of Carbohydrates
- Excellent Range of B Vitamins
- No Phramaceutical Grade Caffeine.

High levels of caffeine in the urine is a no-no for serious sports people and on all accounts should be avoided but when you read Triathlon 220 pro tips to race faster "Red Bull I've been known to rush off to a service station to try to find a Red Bull before the start of a race because I rely on a caffeine hit" Will Clarke, it is hard to understand why a professional would want risk their race success by using and artificial source of caffeine. Clearly, he would be at less risk with Solstic's natural energy. It can only be a matter of time before the Pro's are racing successfully on a natural source of energy. Long life Solstic Energy! Get your life in a shake! It's time to shake up your life.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone interested can find more information about solstic energy at
