Personal Trainers and Fitness Professionals need to be constantly thinking of how to market their business. To avoid an expensive advertising campaign which may not pay a return on your investment here are some things to consider :
1) The use of branded clothing – make sure that what you wear has the web address of your business on it. This gives people who see you out Personal Training a chance to register your website address in their memory and visit your site later. A couple of good quality branded T-shirts cost me less than £35.
2) Website - You need to have a website for folks to visit even if it is only a one page with a brief outline of your personal training services and your contact details. You can always extend your site at a later date to include multiple pages and/or a blog-based site. A domain name and hosting would cost you around £40 a year. There are many free software packages which will allow a novice to build a useful site, mine is built using Mr Site. Wordpress blogs and Blogger are low in cost too.
3) Top Marketing Tip - Always carry a number of business cards with you to give to anyone who speaks to you about what you are doing. Many people are intrigued to know because they may not have seen a Personal Trainer before. 250 business cards of decent quality can cost you as little as £6.00 plus vat ( ask me for details, double sided colour £40.00)
4) Train people in popular places to “be seen” – parks and popular walking/cycling routes should be on your timetable of training and fitness walks. There is no point in always Personal Training in isolated places.
5) Attend events, event work gives you an opportunity to showcase your talents and create visibility to people who do not know what you do. Especially useful for therapists.
6) Look the part – always wear clean cloths and decent water proofs , tracksters/trousers/shorts and quality trainig shoes suitable for the job this will make you look professional and that is what people want in an instructor. Maintaining a clean, neat and smart appearance costs time and effort.
7) Be prepared to start a conversation with strangers about Personal Training, its benefits and what you can to offer in terms of instruction – promotional cost , zero !
8) From time to time offer free taster sessions. Personal Training has one weakness and that is its difficult for the observer to appreciate the effort you are putting into the instruction unless someone tries it for themselves. Give your prospect a chance via a free taster session. Do this locally and make people come to you for their free taster.
10) Join an off-line not-for-profit support and collaboration group like O4 ACTIVE to help you build your local networks and get great support to help you become successful.

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