Swing Stick Flexible Bar
This evening we were working on 'core' techniques, our Learn to Nordic Walk group was working on the 'core' as and up to 90% of the total body work out.
This evening we were working on 'core' techniques, our Learn to Nordic Walk group was working on the 'core' as and up to 90% of the total body work out.
How amazing is that?
While we were waiting for the students to arrive we had some 'play' time with another bit of 'core' fitness kit.
The Swing Stick Flexible bar. Swing your body to better health and fitness, 8 minutes a day is all that it takes, the work comes through vibrations.
Sue is super at swinging her swing stick flexible bar. She shows you how easy it is to keep working out effectively in such a s
hort space of time is just great to top up your fitness. Trim and tone that body, SUPERB!
It is by far an amazing exercise that can be done every day, anywhere, any place, any time for one part of the body or another, it works on vibration of the muscles contraction, and is rather like a 'Power Plate' but costs only a fraction of the price.
As seen on TV previously, £35.99, you can buy this perfect product from Active Edge Solutions for ONLY £24.99! This price includes VAT, a DVD and an exercise sheet. P&p is not included in this price. Contact Sue to find out more about this great product. She may even give you a demo for FREE!
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